What do you think you need?
As a board or volunteer you have an idea what you would need or want. A very abstract idea or just a very clear direction.
After 12 years of serving football clubs and 1000's of customers we know very well what a club needs in whatever stage it is. However, we find it less interesting to tell your club what it needs from a one-way street.
We are more interested in guiding you based on your input. Implementing all aspects of our software at once is an illusion. Together we look at the priorities to eventually work towards a future-proof dream club that is fully powered by FootballAssist, where everyone wants to belong.
Part presentation, but mostly communication
We could talk for hours, maybe even days, about our software, which is worked out in detail.
Although tempting, we don't come along to tell you how to do it all. We like to hear your situation and your questions about our software. We explain, think and advise. Not from a marketing perspective to tell you what you should buy. But from your current situation in your club. What is current, what has been going on for a while and how we can guide you to this new football club 2.0, step by step, without changing the good things. They may (must) remain as they are. An attractive club in a modern digital jacket.
I like the atmosphere on location. It's nice to see the accommodation and to speak to knowledgeable people in an informal atmosphere. Every club is different, but they all want the same thing. A club that is well organised, financially healthy, has good communication and makes optimal use of the talents of volunteers and trainers.
Gerald Versluis
co-owner of FootballAssist
The visitors
As a basis for the presentation, it is nice if you have viewed the demo, which you can request below. Some in-depth knowledge of our market-leading software is desirable. Preferably, the meeting at your club can be scheduled during the day or on Saturday during the week.
For the image, also take a look at our 4 packages: Communication, organization, football technical and financial.
Request a visit here